10. Mazel Tov Cocktail

Mazel Tov is arguably the most known Hebrew phrase to the English speaker. "Congratulations!" Literally, it means "good luck," but — do Jews even believe in luck? With the number of people wishing they should be billionaires, it appears that we’ve got little of it.  Where is the space for luck between destiny and agency, and what do we really mean (or want to mean) when we call someone lucky?

Follow along in the Talmud, Tractate Shabbat 156a,

Tikkunei Zohar 99b

and at the Rebbe's Farbrengen, Likkutei Sichot Vol. 15 Pg. 10

Music: Charles Butler, Daft Punk "Get Lucky" cover [YouTube] // Flow sounds by Finn Carrey


Lox, schlock, and two joking ____s.


9. As Far As I Know