23. Chazkel to Charlie Za”l

Chazkel - Charlie Roth

Chazkel (Charlie) Roth was born in 1925 to a Chassidic family. He was a part of the first batch of students in the first Chabad Yeshiva on American Shores. Our recorded recollections of his, published here for the first time, paint a loving and colorful picture. 

Charlie became agnostic later in his life but still remained in warm contact with his Jewishness and the Chabad community. 

Like many other ‘hippie-Jews’ he rediscovered the depth of his religious birthright by identifying the parallels between the humanistic psychology and Jewish mysticism. 

Join Dovid and Adam as we remember an interesting life and a beautiful soul. May the Neshama of Yechezkel ben Meir Hillel have an Aliya. 

Music by: Shlomo Carlebach and ZionLight.

Experience the Rebbe's Farbrengen here.


Jewish Graphic Tees and Merch


22. The What, How and Why of Tzedakah - What Goes Around Comes Around Or Doesn't Or Who Knows