Less Than Reform and More Than Orthodox

Adam Valen Levinson and Dovid Grossbaum

A big percentage of our audience (more than just our mothers, less than all of your mothers) commented to us (verbatim): "We love absolutely everything about the pod and have no notes at all, but we would like to hear more about you as individuals. Who are you guys?"

So for this last episode of the year 5783, we put humility further to the side and put ourselves under the magnifier to compare some differences of our infra-reform and ultra-orthodox backgrounds and how they shape our perspectives now. 

Big questions: is there such a thing as a Jewish Santa? Can we all fit under the same umbrella? Can Dovid count to seven? 

Music credits to:

Piano Prelude #1 — Stephanie Chou

James Gang — Tend My Garden

The Jakeleggers — (Unreleased studio edit)

And a couple more, no spoilers, but thanks to Martin Trevy's remix for reminding us that as we move into the new year, we should still hold on to some past treasures.

Shana tova y'all — see you in 5784


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